
Dr Marilyn Glenville Talks and Events

Please check back regularly for updates on new upcoming talks and webinars or sign up to receive our regular email updates on health tips, nutrition advice and upcoming events HERE

Below you can see the schedule for upcoming talks and events from Dr Marilyn Glenville.

Click on the link below to jump to the relevant information about an upcoming event:
– Tired All The Time?
– Mental Wellbeing

Tired All The Time?
How To Get Your Energy Back, Sleep Well, Improve Your Memory And Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

“My brain just feels foggy all the time. I can’t concentrate and I’m making lots of silly mistakes at work.”

“It doesn’t matter how much sleep I have; I STILL feel exhausted the next day. It’s a struggle just getting through the day without napping.”

“I feel sluggish, heavy, and frustrated. My grandson even questioned if I still loved him as I don’t play with him much anymore. ☹ It’s heart-breaking but I just don’t have the energy most the time.”

If it does, then don’t miss this opportunity to join Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health for this live webinar on Thursday 24th October at 7pm.

Tired All The Time?
How To Get Your Energy Back, Sleep Well, Improve Your Memory
And Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Tiredness… fatigue… exhaustion.

Whatever you want to label it…is debilitating.

You wake up foggy and heavy headed. It takes all your strength to haul yourself out of bed, because it feels like an elephant is sat on your head.

As you stumble to the bathroom, you wonder how you’re going to make it through the day.

By lunchtime you’re struggling to concentrate on anything, and your head begins to pound.

Your muscles ache, your head aches, and you’re frustrated, low, and desperate to get home where you can just slump in a chair and close your eyes.

Extreme tiredness/fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness or weakness and can be physical, mental or a combination of both.

It can affect anyone, and most adults will experience fatigue at some point in their life.

For many people, fatigue is caused by a combination of lifestyle, psychological and general health issues BUT it can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Until you know what’s causing your massive dip in energy, you won’t be able to figure out how to reverse it.

And it’s why Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD, has put together this live webinar called
Tired All The Time?
How To Get Your Energy Back, Sleep Well, Improve Your Memory
And Reduce Stress And Anxiety

This webinar is for you if:

  • You’re struggling with constant tiredness and fatigue
  • You struggle with poor quality sleep or insomnia
  • You are worried you have underlying health conditions causing tiredness
  • You feel generally low, unmotivated, and want to get your spark back
  • You find it hard to unwind and switch of

The good news is many causes of tiredness and fatigue can be prevented or controlled better with the right nutrition.

In this webinar, Dr. Glenville will show you how to successfully overcome tiredness, improve your quality of sleep, all while boosting your energy, improving your general health, and feeling physically stronger than you have in years!

This special live webinar is a breakthrough approach to managing tiredness and fatigue: giving you choice, control, and freedom.

During this event, you’ll discover:

  • Exactly what and when to eat to improve your energy, reduce stress, and help reduce wild mood swings – timing is everything and could be causing your symptoms.
  • What you can do to help you stop feeling tired but wired and to improve not only the quantity but also quality of your sleep
  • The vitamins, minerals and herbs proven to help improve your energy and sleep and dangerous levels of stress and anxiety.
  • What you can do to improve your memory and concentration
  • The 8 possible underlying causes of tiredness including Long Covid
  • The vitamin D/depression connection…and how to ensure you’re getting enough to stay healthy
  • And much more

Feeling low and tired all the time is tough…but you don’t need to suffer anymore!

On this webinar, Dr. Glenville will show you how to successfully overcome tiredness, improve your quality of sleep, all while boosting your energy, improving your general health, and feeling physically stronger than you have in years.

So you can:

  • Feel full of energy and life
  • Feel strong, enthusiastic, and confident.
  • Feel healthy, free-from constant anxiety, and ready for whatever life throws your way.

There will also be time for your questions for Dr. Glenville, so this is your chance to ask her about your own situation or symptoms.

Plus, this event will be recorded so you can watch it again at your convenience if you can’t make it live on the day.

Remember this webinar will be jam packed with life changing information.

If you have friends or loved ones who would benefit from seeing and hearing Dr. Glenville, please share this page with them so they can join us too.

Online Live Event

Thursday 24th October 2024: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Tired All The Time – How To Get Your Energy Back, Sleep Well, Improve Your Memory and Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Mental Health Matters: The Food-Mood Connection.
Discover How What You Eat Affects The Way You Think And Feel And What You Can Do About It

Do you ever feel down and depressed?

Are there days you’re so low, you can barely face dragging yourself out of bed?

Are you finding it harder to cope with stress like you used to?

Then join Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist, for a live webinar where she reveals the staggering link between nutrition and your mental health.

Did you know that what and when you eat can dramatically affect your mood and emotional wellbeing?

Research has finally proven the link between food and mood, with the extraordinary findings now making their way into the “mainstream.” And transforming psychology and psychiatry’s understanding of how what you eat affects your mental health.

If you’re suffering with any mental health or mood issues…it’s ESSENTIAL you find out about the foods you’re consuming and how they’re affecting you.

In this webinar Dr Glenville will show you how changing what you eat can help dramatically improve how you feel mentally and can even help in the process of recovering from trauma.

She’ll also reveal the nutrients you MUST consume if you want to maintain your energy, focus, and ability to cope with the stresses and strains of modern life.

At this exclusive event you’ll also discover:

  • The research which proves beyond doubt, poor nutrition increases your risk of stress, anxiety, and mental health issues
  • The “dangerous” weight loss plan that can leave you feeling anxious and irritable
  • Why your mental health takes a hit in winter – and how to boost your mood, lift your energy, and feel “normal” again
  • The hidden sugars in food you probably eat every day, and how they leave you feeling fatigued, foggy, and unable to concentrate
  • Feeling depressed and like you can’t cope? – It likely has something to do with this issue in your gut
  • How poor sleep is connected to anxiety and depression and what you can do about it
  • The “European” style of eating associated to a reduced risk of depression and cognitive impairment
  • The nutrients and botanicals which hold the key to improving your mental health and wellbeing, so you wake up a happier, healthier, more energised YOU!
  • Why it is being suggested that ‘good’ gut bacteria will end up being used in the same way Prozac and Valium are used – without the horrible side effects
  • And a whole lot more

This webinar is for you if you want to maintain optimal mental health, or if you’re struggling with symptoms of anxiety or depression.

You don’t need to suffer the debilitating symptoms of poor mental health any longer.

The key to feeling energised, focused, confident, and ready to take on the world could be some simple changes to your diet!

In this webinar, Dr Glenville will finally give you the answers you’ve been looking for!

There will also be time for your questions for Dr Glenville and this webinar will be recorded so you can watch again at your convenience.

Spaces are limited – order your ticket now.

Online Live Event

Tuesday 12th November 2024: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Mental Health Matters: The Food-Mood Connection.
Discover How What You Eat Affects The Way You Think And Feel And What You Can Do About It