NEW Talk with Expert Advice, Live Food Demonstrations and Practical Day-to-Day Tips on:
Exploding the Diet Myths
How to lose weight and stay healthy without dieting
…Come and find out the best way to lose weight, how to keep it off and adopt a more natural way of eating that you will enjoy and keep you healthy.
The UK’s Leading Nutritionist
Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD
Helen Ford BA Hons, Dip ION Senior Nutritionist at
the Glenville Nutrition Clinic…
Special GUEST SPEAKER Sally Garozzo a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner to help you change your relationship to food
(LIMITED places available)
Register now and finally find out about…
Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD speaking to a sell-out audience at her last workshop event
From Dr. Marilyn Glenville, PhD
If you would like to know the real truth about those “number diets” (the 5:2 diet, the 12:12 diet and the 16:8 diet etc) this page is for you…
If you would like to know if a vegan or vegetarian diet really is the best nutritional approach — this page is also for you…
And if you would like to know how to easily lose unwanted inches from your tummy…
As well as protect yourself from Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes and heart disease…
This page is definitely for you…
Because those are just some of the topics (and controversial myths) I will be revealing the truth about at my upcoming talk.
You are invited to attend.
And now you have the chance to get the full truth about all the different diets and nutritional approaches out there at my presentation titled:
Exploding the Diet Myths – How To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy Without Dieting
Here’s a brief preview of the things I will be giving you the REAL TRUTH about during my talk:
- How to stop the weight from piling on around your middle
- How to eat in a healthy way that reduces your risk of breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s – (did you know Alzheimer’s is now the number 1 killer for women)
- What you need to know (and the surprising hidden truths) about the Paleo diet, Keto diet and Intermittent fasting – do they work and are there any negative side-effects you should be worried about?
- What’s the best “number diet”: 5:2, 16:8 12:12. Find out once and for all (just know that the answer is probably not what you think it’s going to be)
- Vegan vs vegetarian – which works best for weight loss and health? Find out during this talk
- Mood, food and cravings, how to control your moods and cravings
- What vitamins and minerals can really help to make you lose weight
- Not all calories are equal, come and find out why?
- Find out why WHEN you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat not only for weight loss but also for your general health
- The best way to exercise for both weight loss and health (you’ll love this part if you HATE exercising or have no time for it)
- Find out about cutting-edge tests that can help you know what to do to get rid of those last stubborn bits of fat that never seem to shift, no matter what you try
- Does your DNA hold the clue to your ideal way to eat for weight loss and health?
- And much more.
Yes, I would like to book a place at this talk
PLUS (and this is really exciting)…
In addition to the up-to-date expert advice and practical tips that I will give you on the topic of exploding the diet myths on the day of the talk, I will also be joined by TWO amazing special speakers:
Helen Ford (Senior Nutritionist and foodie at
the Glenville Clinic)
will be showing you how to make tasty and delicious healthy inspired treats and snacks.
Quick, Healthy and Delicious Snack Food
Cookery Demonstration
Live demonstration from Helen to show you how best to make healthy snacks and treats that you won’t feel guilty eating and are delicious.
PLUS… at this talk you’ll also get to see and hear…
who will be using her skills as a
Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner to help you…
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Weight
Are your EMOTIONS controlling the way you eat?
Do you feel that food CONTROLS YOU rather than the other way round?
Now with Sally Garozzo’s help and advice you’ll finally understand why you SABOTAGE yourself and break your healthy eating pattern…
PLUS… during Sally’s presentation you’ll find out how you can TAKE YOUR POWER BACK around food…
So, finally here’s your chance to change your RELATIONSHIP with food forever.
Sally will show you how to get back control over your day-to-day food choices…
…and you’ll understand HOW to change your relationship with food forever (so you always eat right and in a healthy, nutritious, balanced way for the weight loss results YOU want).
All that becomes possible through Sally’s Rapid Transformation techniques that help you to quickly drop your unhealthy, UNWANTED (and often subconscious) cravings around food.
Yes, I would like to book a place at this talk
So, to recap: at this upcoming “Exploding the Diet Myths’ talk you will get the best most up-to-date information, expert advice and practical tips from:
ðDr. Marilyn Glenville PhD (The UK’s Leading Nutritionist).
ðHelen Ford, Dip ION, (Senior Nutritionist And Foodie at The Glenville Nutrition Clinic),
ðSally Garozzo (A Top Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner)
Here are the different ticket options you can select
when you register:
(Basic deal) Standard Ticket: £77 (limited number of seats available) – includes:
Full day attendance at this talk by
Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD The UK’s Leading Nutritionist and
Helen Ford BA Hons, Dip ION Senior Nutritionist and
guest speaker, Sally Garozzo…
- Teas and coffee on arrival and during breaks
- Healthy Recipe cards (Value £10)
- Lunches available from nearby healthy and takeaways (chargeable)
Yes, I want to be at this talk
(Better deal) Elite Ticket: £147 (only 20 available) – includes:
Full day attendance at this talk by
Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD The UK’s Leading Nutritionist and
Helen Ford BA Hons, Dip ION Senior Nutritionist and
guest speaker, Sally Garozzo…
- Private lunch hosted by Dr. Marilyn Glenville, Helen Ford and Sally Garozzo with Q&A (Value £100)
- Healthy Recipe cards(Value £10)
- Complimentary Goody Bag
- Teas and coffee on arrival and during breaks
TOTAL VALUE £247 (so a GREAT SAVING of £ £100)
Yes, I would like to book a place at this talk
(Very best deal) VIP Ticket: £397 (only 10 available) – includes:
Full day attendance at this talk by
Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD The UK’s Leading Nutritionist and
Helen Ford BA Hons, Dip ION Senior Nutritionist and
guest speaker, Sally Garozzo…
- Private lunch hosted by Dr. Marilyn Glenville, Helen Ford and Sally Garozzo with Q&A (Value £100)
- Priority seating – reserved front row seating
- Online access to video of all three speakers’ talks (Value £75)
- DNA test and consultation – the DNA test & consultation will help you to know what you can do specifically according to your genetic make-up to shift those last stubborn pounds (Value £357 )
- Signed copy of Dr. Marilyn Glenville’s new book “Natural Alternatives to Dieting” (Value £10)
- Healthy Recipe cards (Value £10)
- Complimentary Goody Bag
- Teas and coffee on arrival and during breaks
TOTAL VALUE £679 (so a HUGE SAVING of £282)
Yes, I would like to book a place at this talk
Here’s where & when the talk will take place:
The talk venue is at the:
Cavendish Centre
22 Duchess Mews
Date of talk is Saturday June 15th, 2019.
Recommended arrival time: 9am (for refreshments and a 9.45am start).
Expected finish time 5.00 pm.
But please do hurry.
Due to limited venue capacity…
ONLY A Limited Number Of Standard Places Are Available At The Talk
(including just 20 Elite tickets; and, just 10 VIP tickets).
Based on our experience putting on previous talks — places will and do go very fast.
So, time is of the essence here.
Once places are gone, they are gone, and you will have missed out on discovering…
- The REAL TRUTH you need to know about all the different diets out there…
- The most natural and enjoyable ways to lose weight
- How to use nutrition to reduce your risk of breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
- How to eat in a relaxed way that makes you feel wonderfully healthy – with more energy, vitality, better mood and zest for life.
- How to prepare delicious and nutritious snack and treats for enjoyable weight loss that stays off.
- How to change your UNWANTED subconscious (emotional) cravings around food.
- Plus much more!
In fact, if you wait too long…
You are at a very real risk of missing out on an amazing, life-changing day. Come to this talk and find out what to eat to get rid of that fat around the middle and start eating to live rather than living to eat. You’ll be so glad that you did and amazed at the difference.
Here’s What You Need To Do NOW To
Secure Your Place & Avoid Missing Out
On Limited Available Tickets
Just click the registration link below and you can
select the type of ticket you want
(assuming they are still available)
and follow the easy instructions to purchase your ticket.
You will then immediately receive a confirmation and ticket emailed to you which will be proof of purchase allowing you to attend the talk.
Really looking forward to seeing you at my talk in June.
Kindest regards,
Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD
PS. Here are some real testimonials of women who have benefitted from the type of information and practical tips you will be getting on Saturday, June 15th 2019:
“…a total weight loss of 24lb and 5 inches off my tummy…”
“A really great practical common sense approach on how changing your eating habits and lifestyle can really improve your well being. I lost an average of 2lb per week giving a total weight loss of 24lbs and 5 inches off my tummy – Still a bit to go but absolutely thrilled!” – (SC)
“…the weight loss was easy and consistent… added benefit of increases energy levels…”
“I can wholeheartedly recommend this programme to friends and patients alike… the weight loss was easy and consistent, but it was the added benefit of increased energy levels, decreased stress levels, decreased cravings and an overall improvement in well-being that really surprised me. Based on scientific, evidence-based nutritional advice, and without the use of calorie counting or meal replacement, the emphasis is on healthy nutritious foods. The programme is delivered in an educational way that encourages a mind change towards healthy eating. My whole attitude to what and why I eat has changed, resulting in a slimmer, more confident, more relaxed me. For anyone looking to lose weight, lower blood pressure or cholesterol, decrease their cardiovascular risk, or just improve their health, this programme offers the education and support to make those important lifestyle changes.” – (Dr Emma, GP, Galway)
“…feel happy and in control…”
“I feel so informed about healthy living that it makes me feel happy and in control. I think the programme Is wonderful” – (LH)
Yes, I would like to book a place at this talk
“…consistently more energy, my skin has improved and I feel so much happier…”
“I have consistently more energy, my skin has improved and I feel so much happier – no more mood swings! I am more fun to be around and feel my brain is more engaged” – (BE)
“…considerable weight and inch loss… more energy and self-confidence…”
“As well as considerable weight and inch loss, I have more energy and self-confidence and don’t crave sweet things anymore” – (Susan)
“Go on the programme… well worth it. You will feel better in every way.”
“Go on the programme, well worth it. You will feel so much better in every way. The programme really worked for me and is the only one that has. I was really happy with my weight loss of almost 1 stone and the good news is it’s staying off.” (CJ, age 29)
“…three months later, I have maintained the lost pounds…”
“…What makes this programme different is that now, three months later, I have maintained the lost pounds, as I now understand so much more about health, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. My brain won’t allow me to eat rubbish anymore, as I am aware of the negative effects it has on my body. While the programme was more expensive than some other weight loss classes, I was very happy with the results and consider it a good investment. I am sure I will be reaping the benefits for a long time to come.” – (Margaret C)
Yes, I would like to book a place at this talk
“Within weeks I had more energy and was sleeping better. I achieved my weight loss and more…”
“I found the programme informative, motivating and comprehensive. Within weeks I had more energy and was sleeping better. I achieved my weight loss goal and more by adhering to the delicious recipes provided combined with exercise. This will be a way of life from now on for me.” –(Maura F)
As you read those testimonials maybe you can imagine yourself achieving similar results and being the next testimonial story!
And why not?
You just need the expert information and practical tips that will be shared at the upcoming talk.
Order your ticket now for the “Exploding the Diet Myths – Natural Alternatives to Dieting” talk please click on the link below as tickets are limited and will run out fast.
Please note: tickets are non-refundable as other people will have missed out on the opportunity to attend.